Traditional Summer events in Cortina in 2023
Traditional Summer events in Cortina in 2023
Bonfire night on 14th August
The Fuochi della Madonna, literally Our Lady’s Bonfires, are one of Cortina’s summer traditions taking place every summer on 14th August. The custom of bonfires in August goes back a long way, to the Roman Empire, and has changed to become a celebration on the eve of 15th August, the day of the Assumption of Mary according to the Catholic tradition.
Usually several bonfires are organised around Cortina. Families and friends usually gather to have dinner outdoors with a barbecue, picnic by the fire, spend time chatting, admiring the fires across the valley. As per tradition, some fires are lit on the Tofana mountain to form an M of fire visible from the town to stand for Mary or Madonna (Our Lady).
This simple tradition is a very sociable occasion, you can get to know the locals.
Music festival during the last week of August
The Fèŝta de ra Bàndes, literally the Bands’ Festival, is probably the most spectacular event taking place in Cortina.
During the week leading to the last Sunday of August, every day a different concert or musical event takes place in town, either by Cortina’s town band or by a guest band or musical group, mostly folk. On last Saturday and Sunday, the whole day is marked by musical events and by the beautiful parade of all the participating bands and groups of Cortina. The parade is a particularly exciting since many of the guest bands, from different Italian regions and countries, wear the traditional costume of their region or town, as does Cortina’s band. The parade is followed by another unmissable moment: the final concert, with all the bands playing together in the central piazza.
As goes the claim of the event, the Fèŝta de ra Bàndes is “the soul of a town in celebration”.